19 Jan 2008

Everybody Wants Another Reagan

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But Bill Kristol observes: “You fight an election with the politicians you have.”

(Reagan) was a conservative first and a politician second, a National Review and Human Events reader first and an elected official second.

This is exceedingly unusual. The normal American president is a politician, with semicoherent ideological views, who sometimes becomes a vehicle for an ideological movement. …

This year’s GOP field is, in this sense, normal.


Kristol is witty, but I think his neocon perspective is wrong. Republicans electing non-ideological-conservatives, Nixons and Bushes, only results in more liberal policies, a larger federal government, and, finally, a Republican electoral debacle.

He is right in observing that, in this presidential election, and in recent American politics generally, no obvious unquestionably conservative leader has emerged in the nation and the Republican Party. We need to ask ourselves why. And we need to start producing them again, not settling for substitutes.

2 Feedbacks on "Everybody Wants Another Reagan"

T F Stern

“And we need to start producing them again, not settling for substitutes.”

As in business, good leaders are found, not made. The conservative values which make America worth living in are found in those who strive to live those values. I’d rather have a flaming liberal take the White House than elect a RHINO who would serve only to further destroy this country, all the while claiming to serve conservative interests.


Over at UCV, I posted this: We MUST stop looking for another Reagan. We must pick a President that is his own man, that presents his own ideas. I don’t want another Reagan. I want a President that is great on his own. NO man can be great while attempting to be someone else. No man can be great while being an imitation. As voters, WE must stop wanting our candidates to pander to us. Stop asking them to “be the next Reagan.” Ask them to stand up for conservative ideals on their own. Ask them how THEY will implement those ideas and defend them from attacks by liberals. If they can’t defend those ideals on their own, then, at least its the truth. Don’t ask them to pretend. Pick a candidate for what he genuinely offers. Aren’t you tired of fakes?

That said, today, with Thompson’s 3rd place showing:

The other candidates are winning because you are voting for them. Yes, Fred could have run a more “exciting” race, but, you knew that he wouldn’t pander to the crowd when he started. If you wanted a conservative, why do you have to be convinced? Just vote for the CONSERVATIVE. Who cares about the “campaign?”

The Reagan Revolution is dead. Long live the liberals. When you get a liberal president, don’t blame the Fred Heads.

Fred Thompson misjudged the electorate. He listened to the GOP and thought that there was support for him. His qualities match EVERY SINGLE THING we’ve asked for in the last 20 years. And you turned it down. Because you couldn’t get excited….

Small government? Federalism? Repeal McCain-Feingold? Immigration? 2nd Amendment?
Abortion? Non-activist judges? AND fighting the GWOT?

What if……

Too late now. Should’ve voted for the conservative when you had the chance.


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