03 Feb 2008

Let’s Go, Hayward Fault!

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ZombieTime has make-your-blood-boil photos of the Berkeley moonbats harassing the Marine Corps Recruiting Station on Shattuck Square.

Senator Jim DeMint
(R-SC) has introduced legislation cutting off federal funding to the leftwing California city. Personally, I’d like to see the Hayward Fault spring into action and drop the city of Berkeley right into the Bay.

Earlier posting.

4 Feedbacks on "Let’s Go, Hayward Fault!"

Scott D

How ’bout some billboards at the end of the Bay Bridge directing terrorists to their target?

Frank Martin aka Kitanis

I say that cutting simple federal funding is not enough.. by a long shot.

I say hit the place where it truly hurt them although it will hurt students more.. Pull all federal tuition aid to anyone going to the University of California at Berkeley. I know it hurts the individuals.. but this city council and those protesters need a hard lesson on stupid measures such as this.

All Federal Funding means just that.. ALL federal funding.


Please drop by http://www.MoveAmericaForward.org where we have been hammering away at this issue with responses, relevant graphics and video and Berkeley contact info. There’s also a very important petition to sign which we’ll be hand delivering to the next council meeting on the 12th–and of course you’re welcome to join. While you’re at it, call your elected reps and urge them to cosponsor Sen DeMint’s legislation and a companion bill in the house.

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