09 Mar 2008

Rep. Steve King: If Obama Wins, Radical Islamists Will be Dancing in the Streets

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Steve King (R-Iowa) made a prediction on Fox News which has the left blogosphere today hissing like scalded cats.

1:43 video (Courtesy of John Amato)

Pointing out that Obama’s personal ties to Islam and his personal names will make the enemies of the United State happy is certainly politically incorrect, but Congressman King’s point is defintely a valid one. The election of Barack Hussein Obama to the Presidency of the United States on the basis of a platform pledging withdrawal from Iraq really would constitute a national capitulation heavily loaded with symbolism, and radical Islamists would be right in celebrating it as a colossal victory for their cause.

One Feedback on "Rep. Steve King: If Obama Wins, Radical Islamists Will be Dancing in the Streets"

Dominique R. Poirier

Correct assumption, in my own opinion.


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