17 Mar 2008

St. Patrick’s Day Story

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Bryan Patrick Miller returns to the Emerald Isle in search of his mother’s family roots, and encounters more than one surprise.

I did finally arrive in Goleen, a tiny cluster of stucco homes with farmland on one side and the Atlantic Coast on the other. It’s literally a one-horse town; a gray mare stood tied to a post outside the pub. I figured my best option was to walk into the only store, which doubled as the post office, and ask the clerk to point me to the church, so I could look in the town records.

“The name’s Glavin,” I said, smiling. She recoiled, backing away with a hand to her face, and wouldn’t say another word.

By the time I made it to Goleen’s dimly lighted pub, word seemed to have spread that a Glavin was back. Gnarled farmers glowered at me over their Guinnesses. No one spoke to me. I swallowed my pint fast and walked out.

Read the whole thing.

One Feedback on "St. Patrick’s Day Story"

Liberty Peak Lodge

St. Patrick’s Newswhip 17 March 2008…

“Religion and good morals are the only solid foundation of public liberty and happiness.” —Samuel Adams St. Patrick’s Day Storyvia Never Yet Melted Edmund Burke and Ireland Hitchens was Right About Iraq Who Says the Elite Aren’t Fit to Serve?…


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