Don Surber loses his temper over the irrationality of it all.
Kansas Gov. Sebelius kills 2 new coal plants.
Does she prefer some other fossil fuel?
Or nukes?
Or flooding half her state for hydro-power?
Because unless she is willing to put up with one of those alternatives, Democratic Gov. Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas just doomed her state by vetoing a bill that would have cleared the way for two state-of-the-art coal-fired plants to serve the state’s electric needs in the 21st century.
She has no plan.
She prefers darkness.
“Instead of building two new coal plants, which would produce 11 million new tons of carbon dioxide each year, I support pursuing other, more promising energy and economic development alternatives,†she said in a statement accompanying the veto.
What are those alternatives?
Rubbing lamps to conjure up genies?
Hamsters in wheels?
If she is talking about solar power, then she is either an idiot or a charlatan. America has pursued that pipe-dream for 30 years or more.
In 2006, solar supplied 1% of 1% of America’s electric use. Wind supplied about ½%. Combined they produced 26.3 billion kilowatt hours of power – in a nation that consumed 4,053 billion kilowatt hours of electricity.
Will anyone challenge this woman’s ignorance on the subject?
The stupidity of people is truly amazing. My college class, for instance, is full of people who get all their opinions from the daily papers, and who are utterly econonically illiterate. They are perfectly prepared to believe that an injection of government funding will change reality, and all those idle technologists (unmotivated by the paltry rewards available right now via the sale of cheaper, cleaner forms of energy) will suddenly spring into action and, abracadabra! new magical ways will be found to make wind and solar power economically competitive. They’re nuts.
Hat tip to the News Junkie.

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