The SF Chronicle describes how Obama’s famous “bitter” condescending remarks were captured by an enterprising (Vassar ’68) Huffington Post blogger.
Presidential candidate Barack Obama’s campaign has been in full damage control mode since the senator’s blunt remarks about the nature of small town Pennsylvania voters were secretly recorded by a Huffington Post blogger at a recent San Francisco fundraiser that was supposed to be off limits to the press.
Obama, asked last Sunday why it was so hard for him to reach blue-collar voters, said that many had been overlooked economically and that “it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”
Democratic rival Hillary Rodham Clinton pounced on the comment over the weekend, calling it “elitist and divisive.”
An Obama campaign insider tells us the blogger, Mayhill Fowler, had tried to get into one of two Obama fundraising events in the Bay Area a couple of months back where former New Jersey Sen. Bill Bradley stood in as a proxy.
She was turned away, even though she had offered to pay, says our source.
“There’s a very basic (fundraiser) rule – you don’t let press in, and anyone with an interest in reporting shouldn’t get in,” said the source.
Just how the MP3 – wielding Fowler managed to secure an invite to the $1,000 a head fundraiser at the San Francisco home of developer Alex Mehran wasn’t immediately clear – but Obama campaign higher-ups were said to be livid, with fingers pointing at a local fundraising consultant for the slip-up.
There should be a special award for bloggers like Charles Johnson (who debunked the Dan Rather forged National Guard letter in 2004), and Mayhill Fowler, who this year exposed the views about the common people that Barack Obama shared with a wealthy audience at a private fund-raiser held atop San Francisco’s Pacific Heights, whose reporting of the truth makes a significant impact on the course of Presidential Election contest.

Scott D
It’s getting downright impossible for a candidate to hide his genuine character from the voters. What is the world coming to?
Barack Obama » Huffington Post Blogger (Vassar ‘68) Exposed Obama’s Gaffe
[…] The Liberty Lounge Political Forums wrote an interesting post today on Huffington Post Blogger (Vassar ‘68) Exposed Obama’s GaffeHere’s a quick excerpt…letter in 2004), and Mayhill Fowler, who this year exposed the views about the common people that Barack Obama shared with a wealthy audience… […]
Hillary Clinton » Huffington Post Blogger (Vassar ‘68) Exposed Obama’s Gaffe
[…] Sugar Ray Dodge wrote an interesting post today on Huffington Post Blogger (Vassar ‘68) Exposed Obama’s GaffeHere’s a quick excerptDemocratic rival Hillary Rodham Clinton pounced on the comment over the weekend, calling it “elitist and divisive. […]
ron childs
Obama’s speech to the San Francisco audience is interpreted as follows:
“There are many white people in the United States who cling to their religion, guns and disdane for illegal immigrants because they are stupid. If you make me your President, I will work to keep these idiots under control.”
God help us if this man is elected President of the United States.
Scott D
Isn’t bitterness the core value of most Democrats? Democrats depend on making people feel bitter toward someone — whites, The Rich, corporations, Jews, lawyers (oops, check that) — anyone that can be blamed for any hardship they encounter. Without bitterness, where would they be?
Yet, in a December Gallup Poll 92% of Americans reported themselves “very happy†or “fairly happy,†while a mere 6% claimed the label “not too happy.†Respondents said they are satisfied with their personal lives as opposed to dissatisfied (84% to 14%).
How successful a strategy can Bitterness be?
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