24 Apr 2008

The Friends of Barack Obama

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John Hinderaker at Power-Line is explaining just who they really are.

Part One

Part Two

If you were going to run for a seat on your local school board, would you launch your first political campaign at these people’s house?

3 Feedbacks on "The Friends of Barack Obama"

Scott D

If I were living in someplace like Hyde Park or Berkeley and trying to endear myself to the loonies that populate these places, yes I might.

But here’s the question that must be posed to every single American:

Imagine someone you’d never met were to poke into your life and start taking inventory of all your friends and associates — people you sought out and people you shunned — organizations to which you belonged. He builds a composite picture of what you must be like based on these associations. Do you think it would be somewhat close to who you really are — or far off the mark?


A frightening thought, and frightening because, of course, the picture would be the truth.

Brian G

I just dont think enough people in America know about this or care even. I know what I am and wouldnt think they would find anything different if I was investigated. Compared to what was done by the media in Alaska about Palin this is nothing.


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