In Washington to promote the newly-published English-language translation of his book, Blue Planet in Green Shackles: What Is Endangered: Climate or Freedom, Czech Republic President Vaclav Klaus wants to debate Albert Gore on Global Warming.
Klaus, an economist, said he opposed the “climate alarmism” perpetuated by environmentalism trying to impose their ideals, comparing it to the decades of communist rule he experienced growing up in Soviet-dominated Czechoslovakia.
“Like their (communist) predecessors, they will be certain that they have the right to sacrifice man and his freedom to make their idea reality,” he said.
“In the past, it was in the name of the Marxists or of the proletariat – this time, in the name of the planet,” he added.
Klaus said a free market should be used to address environmental concerns and said he oppposed as unrealistic regulations or greenhouse gas capping systems designed to reduce the impact of climate change.
“It could be even true that we are now at a stage where mere facts, reason and truths are powerless in the face of the global warming propaganda,” he said.
Mr. Klaus’ statement can be read in full at his web-site here.

Cynthia Weissman
I’m buying this book today! It’s a shame that more citizens of the world are not questioning Global Warming hysteria. It’s a ruse to put power in the hands of a ruling class that will set your thermostat and ration your gas. Even as the U.S. sits on enough natural resources to become energy independent.
I’m no scientist, but if you look back at earth’s history and look at the geologic timetable there were periods when the earth had no polar ice caps and other periods when the planet was a frozen wasteland.
Could man with all his cars and factories ever spew as much toxic gas and particulates as a Mt. St. Helens, Pinatobu (sp?), Krakatowa or Vesuvius. A couple of those, and I’m sure we’d plummet into an Ice Age!
Where are the geologists to decry the climatologists?
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