01 Jun 2008

Obama Throws His Church Under the Bus

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Senator Obama has decided that the White House in Washington, D.C. is worth a small sacrifice.

Senator Barack Obama has resigned his membership in Chicago’s Trinity United Church of Christ, which he attended for nearly two decades, following months of controversy about pastors and their political views.

Mr. Obama said he and his wife, Michelle, wrote a letter on Friday to the church’s pastor, the Rev. Otis Moss, explaining that their estrangement from Trinity took root in controversial remarks by the church’s former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., who once was Mr. Obama’s spiritual guide.

“Our relations with Trinity have been strained by the divisive statements of Reverend Wright, which sharply conflict with our own views,” they wrote. “These controversies have served as an unfortunate distraction for other Trinity members who seek to worship in peace, and have placed you in an untenable position.”

But at a news conference after a town-hall-style meeting here on Saturday, Mr. Obama sounded pained as he confirmed his decision to leave the place he had considered his spiritual home. A sermon by Mr. Wright, a longtime pastor at the church, even provided the phrase — “the audacity of hope” — that became Mr. Obama’s campaign theme and the title of his latest book.

“I make this decision with sadness,” said Mr. Obama, speaking in subdued tones as he stood before a bland background. “This is where I found Jesus Christ, where we were married, where our children were baptized. We are proud of the extraordinary works of that church.”

Good thinking! B. Hussein. Now nobody can possibly criticize you on the basis of the ethnic chauvinism and racial hatred routinely preached there in the course of your twenty year membership.

3 Feedbacks on "Obama Throws His Church Under the Bus"

Varados Sucuri

As well he should. Perhaps this will alert others, such as those who subscribe to the ideas of the cockroaches John Hagee and Rod Parsley that religion is, in fact, a filthy lie that deserves to be met with hatred, and disrespect.

Scott D

It all depends on who’s doing the telling. Nobody is allowed to criticize Robert Byrd on the basis of the ethnic chauvinism and racial hatred routinely preached by the Klan in the course of his membership. Once liberals absolve you of your sins, you need have no remorse. Ask Scott McClellan.

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