15 Jul 2008

The First One Hundred People in the Ithaca Phonebook Have More Sense

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In a sad proof of the pitiable intellectual state of today’s American academic community, the faculty of Cornell responded to a poll rating the world’s most important problems on a five-point scale, and Apocalyptic Manichaeism and Puritanism won.

• Climate change and its effects on ecosystems (4.39, 2.63)
• Corporations have too much influence in governing (4.24, 3.35)
• Lack of long-term perspective in political, environmental and social actions (4.23, 2.69)
• Humans are unsustainably exploiting the environment (4.13, 2.79)
• Maintaining the health of the planet (4.1, 2.67)
• Lack of global responsibility on the part of corporations, governments and individuals (4.03, 2.97)
• Global poverty and its effects (3.98, 2.48)
• Inequitable distribution of wealth among people (3.97, 2.32)
• Unsuitable growth in energy use (3.96, 2.95)
• Shortage of potable and clean water (3.94, 3.59)

Is there really a shortage of potable water in Ithaca? It seems remarkable to me that, from the viewpoint of Cornell’s savants, the world’s most important problems pretty much entirely divide into the fictitious (Global Warming, unsustainability, vanishing resources), the permanently intractable (human inequality, poverty), along with the unfortunate delay in mankind everywhere implementing Socialism.

One Feedback on "The First One Hundred People in the Ithaca Phonebook Have More Sense"


The poll asked them to rate the World’s Largest Problems, not Ithaca’s largest problems. Thankfully these persons have a perspective that reaches beyond their callow little world and they mentioned something that really has nothing to do with them: clean water. Just in case you weren’t aware, this is one of the biggest problems facing humanity. Millions die every year from contaminated water.

But why am I bothering with this? From this site it looks like the only thing that matters to you is whether you have the right to shoot shit. Millions die in Africa? Least I still got muh gun.


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