31 Jul 2008

“Just a Dockside Encounter”

There’s been some confusion recently about some photos of Massachusetts Senator John Kerry and a number of very pretty young girls taken in the evening posted at TMZ.com.

Looking at these photos, A number of browsers got the false idea that Senator Kerry was caught partying with a bunch of very young and inebriated girls.

Nothing could be further from the truth, as Senator Kerry’s office assured the Boston Herald, it was all “only a dockside encounter.”

An embarrassing gallery of photos showing Bay State Sen. John Kerry surrounded by young women partying on Nantucket was a dockside encounter and nothing more, the senator’s office tells the Herald.

TMZ.com posted images today of Kerry surrounded by young women, including one drinking what appears to be a can of beer. Other photos show the women, sunburned and partying, mugging for the camera.

The senator’s office said the images of Kerry are nothing but a chance encounter on a dock, and Kerry kept on walking after being caught on camera, according to a statement sent to bostonherald.com this afternoon.

Kerry’s office demanded TMZ.com change the way it was posting the matter.

“The caption on this TMZ gossip website is completely erroneous and insulting, and it should be immediately corrected. As Sen. Kerry and two friends left dinner at the Straight Warf restaurant on Nantucket and walked down the dock, a large group on a boat recognized Senator Kerry and asked if they could have a photo taken. The group came off the boat and onto the dock, took a photo with Sen. Kerry and his friends, and then Sen. Kerry and his two friends immediately walked away. End of story,” said Kerry spokesperson David Wade.

You and I, of course, know perfectly well that John Kerry would never lie, not about his medals, not about being in Cambodia during Xmas 1968, not about US soldiers behaving “in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan,” and certainly not about a dockside encounter. Let’s hope Teresa believes him, too.

One Feedback on "“Just a Dockside Encounter”"

Lazarus Long

Caught without his makeup person and on his way back to his hibernacula. He does look a bit worse for wear.


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