17 Aug 2008

How Do They Know?

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The authors of the Left Behind books say Obama is not, repeat: not, the AntiChrist.


One Feedback on "How Do They Know?"

Joanna OReilly

While I agree that Obama is getting that much closer to THE bad guy, he doesn’t fit the prophecies. First of all, Anti-Christ will act as a FRIEND to Israel, making a 7 year covenant or peace treaty with them. On the other hand, Obama barely tolerates Israel.

While I’m not 100% per cent sure, I’m fairly confident that A.C. won’t show up until the Church has been raptured. See, the 7 year tribulation period will be where God will be dealing specifically with Israel, which would account for A.C.’s willingness to befriend himself with Israel. Obama is too pro-muslim.

Given his other views, however, I can see how you’d feel that way. Believe me, it’s a very easy mistake to make. I’m HOPING that the rapture takes place during the Obama administration, because he will either be muscled out of his place of power or will join the new leader’s cabinet. I can’t help but wonder if Barak might be the Beast’s Leon Fortunato ( false prophet). Heaven knows he’s deceptive enough.


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