03 Sep 2008

Newt Gingrich Rebuts MSNBC

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Newt Gingrich reduces Ron Allen to helpless silence.

Tuesday evening on the convention floor in St. Paul… MSNBC’s Ron Allen said to the former Speaker, “But to be fair, her resume is not something we’re familiar seeing with presidential candidates.”

This didn’t sit well with Gingrich who strongly replied:

    It’s stronger than Barack Obama’s. I don’t know why you guys walk around saying this baloney. She has a stronger resume than Obama. She’s been a real mayor, he hasn’t. She has been a real governor, he hasn’t. She’s been in charge of the Alaskan National Guard, he hasn’t. She was a whistleblower who defeated an incumbent mayor. He has never once shown that kind of courage. She’s a whistleblower who turned in the chairman of her own party and got him fined $12,000. I’ve never seen Obama do one thing like that. She took on the incumbent governor of her own party and beat him, and then she beat a former Democratic governor in the general election. I don’t know of a single thing Obama’s done except talk and write.

Newt then challenged Allen:

    I’d like you to tell me one thing Sen. Obama’s done.

With that, Allen retreated, and said:

    Thanks very much, Mr. Speaker. I’m going to leave it there. I’m not going to argue the case. Thanks very much.

1:05 video

5 Feedbacks on "Newt Gingrich Rebuts MSNBC"

Lazarus Long

“Thanks very much, Mr. Speaker. I’m going to leave it there. I’m not going to argue the case. Thanks very much.” That’s the sound of the media making diarrhea in their panties. Newt G. is the wrong guy to engage with in a discussion about facts.

Carrie M

I haven’t been watching the campaigns, as I’ve been rather disillusioned this whole election cycle so far. I must say that Governor Palin does bring some refreshment to the GOP. And Newt Gingrich was spot-on. Awesome.


Bravo, Mr. Speaker! That’s what we need lot’s more of — Republicans who will come out swinging and take these fawning leftists on with facts and passion.


Finally. Some who is articulate enough and has the courage to say it like it is. Reminds me of President Reagan – polite but right on the facts. As someone once said – you are entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts.


If Newt’s argument is taken at face value then it suggests it should be McCain as VP and Palin for president. John has never been a (small town) mayor or governor either, and never made an executive decision in his 26 year career in Washington.

I don’t think people really believe that Sarah is better qualified than John McCain. She has energy and great delivery and has energized the ticket, but being “qualified for president” should require more than 18 months as governor. Regardless of party affiliation.

So if McCain has no executive experience, why vote for him? Your response should be a list of items like: he has a vision for the country, solutions to the economic problems we face, the foreign policy challenges, the energy crisis, and health care, and he should have demonstrable management and leadership skills.

Whatever your list, take those reasons and then examine how Obama matches up. Don’t let media manipulation distract you from the decision.


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