17 Oct 2008

The Plumber and the Gospel of Envy

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Power-line’s Scott Johnson comments editorially, in the Christian Science Monitor.

When Barack Obama responded to the Ohio plumber who didn’t want his taxes raised by saying that he wanted to “spread the wealth around,” I wanted to tell the Illinois senator to spread his own wealth around.

Senator Obama, in a rare moment of candor, all but told “Joe the plumber” that his wealth should be seized in the name of equity. Their personal encounter this past Sunday played out one of the old themes of democratic politics: the appeal to the many to take from the few. It’s traditionally an easy sell in democratic regimes.

Despite Obama’s implication to the contrary, however, it doesn’t represent much in the way of change.

The personal income tax, the federal government’s main source of revenue, is collected overwhelmingly from a relative handful of Americans. Indeed, the most recent IRS data shows that the top 1 percent of filers paid nearly 40 percent of all income taxes. That means the top 1 percent paid about the same as the bottom 95 percent, according to the Tax Foundation, a nonpartisan research group. The bottom 50 percent paid just 3 percent.

2 Feedbacks on "The Plumber and the Gospel of Envy"

Scott D

I’m no detective, but let’s look at the clues as to what Obama is really about:

1. He’s been a longtime supporter of a black liberation church.
2. Among his buddies are an American terrorist.
3. He’s to the left of Bernie Sanders
4. He thinks guns and religion are just things that bitter common folk cling to.
5. He thinks that it’s a good idea for government to spread the wealth that you earned to those who didn’t do so.

Hmmm. Now what would that make him?

Jerry in Detroit

One of the big lies of our time is that the rich pay a disproportionate amount of our income tax. The “rich” are the business owners & senior management who are able to pass their taxes along in the cost of goods and services. The result is that the rich have become defacto tax collectors while everyone else suffer the increasing tax burden. This explains the increasing disparity between management & workers. Worse yet, this gives the rich an unequal voice in our government as they “pay” the most taxes.


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