04 Nov 2008

“An Election Day Word for My Liberal Friends”


from Mark Tapscott:

Today, as another generation of Americans go to the polls possibly to elect a true man of the Left as our 44th president, the liberal Leviathan – ever demanding that we think and act as it decrees – looms constantly larger in American life,

So it is no wonder that the excitement on this day is palpable among my liberal friends. They believe they stand at this moment on the threshold of being handed power they’ve not possessed for many decades. They rejoice at the opportunity for them to remake America in their own image.

They believe that those of us who, against all reason hold our reactionary notions about individual liberty as precious as ever, will, finally and for good, have no other choice but to submit, to be as Leviathan says we must be. To them, I have but one word:


3 Feedbacks on "“An Election Day Word for My Liberal Friends”"


Sheesh. Get over yourself.


Wednesday Morning. Yours is the first site I’m looking at. Thanks, I feel a little better.


I can’t believe he won, how is he even going to get a security clearance?


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