05 Nov 2008

“The ‘I Want My Mommy’ Election”

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Neal Boortz identifies yesterday’s election’s predominant theme.

I brought this up several months ago … a slogan for this election. “I want my mommy.” The phrase really says it all. This is not an election where the American voters were looking for someone to protect their freedoms. Instead, it was an election where people were looking for someone to take care of them. Self-sufficiency seems a bit old-fashioned right now. Why work so hard to be self-sufficient when candidates are falling all over themselves to provide the American people with womb-to-tomb or, if you will, cradle-to-grave paternalism. The voters who put Barack Obama into office bear little resemblance to the people who fought for independence 124 years ago. Colonists fighting for our independence actually left their bloody footprints along the icy roads of New York and Pennsylvania while marching to engage the British troops. Today we can’t even drum of a decent plurality of voters who will vote for liberty, let alone fight for it.

This has been a “what’s in it for me” vote. Are you going to give me health care? Are you going to make sure my job is guaranteed? Are you going to cover my child care costs? You aren’t going to make me pay taxes, are you? How about all those evil rich people? Aren’t you going to take some of their money away from them and give it to me? After all … I work for my money, they cheated and stole for theirs. Make them pay their fair share of taxes. Me? I’m tired of paying any share.

The big question for me today is whether or not freedom, economic liberty and self-sufficiency can make a comeback in America. Right now it seems that a dismaying number of Americans think that they are owed a living; that it is the government’s job to guarantee their economic security. Can we ever turn that around and return to a time when people accept the responsibility for their own lives and eschew the idea of using government as a tool of legalized plunder?

3 Feedbacks on "“The ‘I Want My Mommy’ Election”"

Sallie Parker

What is this great revolutionary struggle that took place in 1884, when my grandmother was two years old and living in Saratoga Springs? Nobody ever told me about it, though I did hear tell of Valley Forge and Ticonderoga a century or so earlier. Is the writer referring something that happened in his ancestral homeland of Lower Shtetlovia…or what? Etc.

Dai Alanye

Let’s face it, John McC got the nomination by default when neither Fred Thompson nor Rudy Giuliani was willing to work hard for it.

He ran a weak campaign and lost it in an honorable fashion. No doubt he can retire fully satisfied with himself, but I would have much preferred a win from a mean (but conservative) SOB.

We now have a character whose whole resume is a lie, whose supporters limned him according to their personal wishes and dreams. Even the wise pundits at Fox News are now re-molding him in their own image as a “pragmatist.” And they might just be right, for not even Barry himself is quite sure what he is or believes.

Yeah, I buy the pragmatist label, because wasn’t that guy Joe Djugashvilli a pragmatist?

Soon the disillusioned will appear. First the naive stupes who believe Barack will make their house payments for them, then the simple souls who really believe he will heal the world and slow the oceans’ rise. Then either the leftist Kos readers or the pragmatism-loving media experts will dissolve in disappointed credulism, as one or the other must surely be wrong.

But not me, because I was disillusioned a long ways back, about three seconds after he announced his candidacy.

Scott D

You’ll recall that the Obama camp’s response to Joe the Plumber wasn’t that he was wrong, but that he was actually part of the 95% who would be suckled once Obama became president. So what’s your beef?


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