07 Dec 2008

If There Isn’t a Problem, Why Hasn’t It Been Released Already?

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Steven D. Laib argues that Obama’s birth certificate (long form) must be made public.

A person seeking much lower privileges, such a driver’s license or voter registration must produce a birth certificate; why not a candidate for the highest office in the land. Which situation implies a higher duty by government officials; state statutes or the national constitution? …

The state of Hawaii is asserting that privacy laws forbid it from revealing the certificate. This should be considered a bogus claim. Anyone running for the presidency has placed himself in the arena of a public, rather than a private citizen. A candidate is, for all practical purposes, giving up his privacy rights, and making his or her entire life open to scrutiny by the public and the press. Their personal records should and must be part of this. …

If the certificate is never produced, and proper birth status is never verified, one way or the other, it will likely become the core of another Great American Conspiracy Theory such as those surrounding the death of John F. Kennedy. The Kennedy assassination conspiracies have been debunked, for all practical purposes, but they haven’t gone away. We don’t need another one of these things.

Read the whole thing.

2 Feedbacks on "If There Isn’t a Problem, Why Hasn’t It Been Released Already?"


How stupid are you? If I get a driver’s license or register to vote I don’t have to produce my birth certificate for the whole world to see. I only have to produce it for the person issuing that license or registration. I assume that Obama has released his birth certificate to the proper channels to run for office. Otherwise, he would have been disqualified from the election very early on. You lost. Get over it. 8 years of bad leadership is enough. Relax and watch things get better.


My birth certificate contains nothing interesting enough to persuade me to spend $800,000 on court fights to save me from having to expose it to the light of day.


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