Kyle Smith alerts us to a recently published guide to the land of the “progressives.”
For 143 years, The Nation magazine has maintained, in its adorable way, the blue-faced scowl of an angry toddler shaking its fist at the grown-ups. But while you could go to The Nation in recent years for instruction on how to think about the latest perfidy of the Bush administration, the magazine was no help when it came to advice on, say, how to find a really good lesbian knitting cooperative within easy bicycling distance or where to buy anti-globalization comic books printed on recycled hemp.
The long wait is over. Now comes “The Nation Guide to the Nation,” a travelog/catalog/almanac (whatever you do, don’t call it a bible) “for and about a community of committed, passionate people who have active consciences and a lively sense of social justice.”

Maggie's Farm
A few Sunday morning links…
30 people for dinner uses one heck of a lot of appetizer plates, gumbo bowls, dinner plates and dessert plates, serving trays, pots and pans, wine glasses, etc. It’s our family tradition to leave it all out overnight so everything sticks hard to …
“active conscience” – insomnia resulting from the pangs of guilt induced by methane-rich, global-warming flatulence, subsequent to over-indulgence in tofu
“lively sense of social justice” – the hysterical resentment felt by graduates of gender studies college courses on discovering just how nefariously the global capitalist hegemony discriminates against them
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