01 Mar 2009

Please Help a Comrade, Signed “Yours in Revolution”

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Only the Scottish Herald and WorldNetDaily are reporting that President Barack Obama got a letter from an admirer asking for a favor.

Obama’s correspondent was the more effective International equivalent of Wiliam Ayres, no less than Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, “Carlos the Jackal” himself.

Carlos was asking his comrade “in Revolution” in Washington to arrange the release, or at least return the remains of his one-time right-hand man, the Swiss terrorist Bruno Breguet.

Breguet disappeared in 1995 after being refused entry by Italy upon his arrival on a Greek ferry.

Carlos refers to Breguet as “our comrade,” possibly meaning both his and Obama’s, and concludes “as your Luo grandfather would say: ALLAHU AKBAR!,” then finally he signs: “Yours in Revolution.

Sunday Herald



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