13 Mar 2009

More Buyer’s Remorse

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This time it’s Megan McArdle.

Having defended Obama’s candidacy largely on his economic team, I’m having serious buyer’s remorse. …

[H]e… promised to be non-partisan and accountable, and the size and composition stimulus package looks like just one more attempt to ram through his ideological agenda without much scrutiny, with the heaviest focus on programs that will be especially hard to cut.

The budget numbers are just one more blow to the credibility he worked hard to establish during the election. Back then, people like me handed him kudoes for using numbers that were really much less mendacious than the general run of candidate program promises. Now, he’s building a budget on the promise that this recession will be milder than average, with growth merely dipping to 1.2% this year and returning to trend in 2010. Isn’t there anyone at BLS who could have filled him in on the unemployment figures, or at Treasury who could have explained what a disproportionate impact finance salaries have on tax revenue? These numbers . . . well, I can’t really fully describe them on a family blog. But he has now raced passed Bush in the Delusional Budget Math olympics.

2 Feedbacks on "More Buyer’s Remorse"

Scott D

It’s sort of fun to watch people discover that Obama isn’t really a “moderate”. I’m sure it feels a lot like when some conservatives discovered that W wasn’t really one.

Sydney Brillo Duodenum

Another recruit in the Gomer Pyle Brigade — “Surprise, surprise, surprise!”


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