29 Mar 2009

Global Warming Science Basics

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Dr. Mason Williams, retired Professor Emeritus from the University of Rhode Island, College of Engineering, has written up a succinct summary of the basic issues underlying the debate on Anthropogenic Global Warming.

One Feedback on "Global Warming Science Basics"

Scott D

The Great Global Warming Scare is simply an excuse to frighten people into ceding control of their resources and sovereignty to international political control. If the public were to realize that we simply are where we are in the natural and repetitive cycle of climate, there would be another excuse concocted. The beauty of this excuse is that it will take years, if not decades to discredit the AGW chorus — by which time they may well have accomplished their objectives. How long did it take for the world to realize that communism and socialism were not answers? How many people suffered and died?


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