14 Oct 2009

Brief Blog Vacation

Our satellite modem went down Monday night. Repairs only were effectuated this afternoon. Unfortunately, I had an appointment yesterday afternoon which left me insufficient time to arrange alternative access. It’s great living in the country, but Internet access is a lot less than optimal out here.

Apologies to readers.

4 Feedbacks on "Brief Blog Vacation"

R. Snowden Ficks

Happy to learn the “vacation” was for technical reasons only.


Your blog is great! Am curious how you find your satellite connection ordinarily? We have property in the country (cancelled land line as it always goes out, no cable or dsl available and satellite is the only option but we are daunted by the price, given that we aren’t there all the time). We considered getting a Sprint wireless card, but it’s considered roaming and the data limits are pathetic. So I resort to blogging via Iphone or Blackberry there (hence rotten formatting a lot of the time).


Well, it usually works.

It is never as fast as cable modem or DSL. It is subject to interruption by weather. A major storm can be cloudy enough to block the signal. Tree branches get in the way. And, from time to time, the whole thing hangs up and you have to reboot the modem. When it is really screwed up, you have to talk to them on the phone, fiddle with the wires, and hope that they can force range your antenna into reacquiring the signal. When a part dies, you have to wait for a technician to come and fix it.

I agree though that it’s too expensive for a vacation place.

Carrie M

Glad you’re back! I had satellite internet for several years and agree with your assessment. Just last year, AT&T finally brought U-Verse, so that’s what we’ve got now. Satellite is better than dial-up (depending on your needs), but the costs .. I’m now getting both internet and “cable” for what my satellite connection was costing.


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