10 Feb 2010

Exactly How Stupid Do You Think Your Readers Are, Bryan?

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Bryan Walsh, in Time Magazine, delivers a classic example of the MSM defense of junk science.

There is some evidence that climate change could in fact make such massive snowstorms more common, even as the world continues to warm.

Ah, yes. Some evidence! An alternative of “some authorities contend…” that if we have warm weather, it must be because of Anthropogenic Global Warming. And if we have cold weather, it must be because of AGW. If we have mild weather, voila, AGW. If we have extreme weather, it’s AGW, too.

The fatal role of human naughtiness in producing things, driving, heating their homes, and converting physical substances into energy is evidenced, according to liberals generally, simply by “climate change,” which all inclusive concept is really an artful comedown from Global Warming.

Climate change is delightfully non-specific and basically 100% reliable. Change being, in fact, precisely what climate always does.

The earth’s climate operates in cycles. Cycles are patterns of change. World climate, in fact, is undeniably at any given moment in time changing, either growing warmer or growing colder.

Clever warmists have the situation perfectly under control. It no longer matters if the models they propose to use as a basis to tax, regulate, and control the world’s economy can actually ever predict anything. They simply need to point to a record snowfall here or an exceptional storm there, a hot day in New York or cool weather in Miami. Change of any kind proves there is a problem. And, let’s face it, the weather is always changing.

Their models and theories enjoy absolute immunity from testing or verification. Whatever happens proves they are right. Heads they win, tails we lose.

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Sadly two American icons are passing away; one bin part because of faulty reporting (lies), and the other because of the lack of the former and its best use. **



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