16 Mar 2010

Barbara Boxer, Demon Blimp

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Barbara Boxer’s swollen head is turned into a Monty Python-esque blimp in this amusingly destructive 7:43 attack ad done for Carly Fiorina.

Is Fiorina at all conservative? I tend not to think so, but at least she did use to work in business. I’m afraid I do not recall her being terribly successful as CEO of HP. Still, she would be bound to be an improvement over Barbara Boxer. I do like the attack ad.

Hat tip to Karen L. Myers.

One Feedback on "Barbara Boxer, Demon Blimp"


I acknowledge that an opinion of this kind may not be very useful, but… I was struck by the haircut, sober dressing style and sober jewelry of Carly Fiorina. The whole of it makes her looking pretty exactly like those clone-like French grass root female supporters of the far left (that’s the way they proudly show to everyone what political trend they stand for; sorry.) It is certainly purely coincidental doubtless, but it makes me so uncomfortable to be told that such a woman is a Conservative.

Otherwise, the first half of this video is well done, even devastating.


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