Some wag at has added the Obama logo to this famous picture
The famous photograph of the October 22, 1895 wreck of the Granville to Paris Express at the Montparnasse Station is becoming a popular metaphor for the hapless efforts by the Obama Administration and the democrat Congress to ram through a health care bill opposed by a significant national majority of the American people.
Finding he was several minutes late at the Paris conclusion of his 7-hour ten-minute run, Engineer Guillaume-Marie Pellerin decided to approach the Gare Montarnasse at cruising speed in an effort to make up time. He was relying on his auxiliary air-bakes to bring the locomotive safely to a halt, but the air-brakes failed. The locomotive brakes were not sufficient, and the engine proceeded out-of-control right through the buffer stop, jumping the tracks and driving 100 feet across the concourse, passing through the station wall and onto the terrace outside before falling 30 feet down onto the street below.
Republicans have plans to use parliamentary rules to kill it in the Senate.
Investor’s Business Daily Poll predicts 45% of physicians will close practices and retire if the health care bill passes.
Landmark Legal Foundation promises an immediate court challenge if health care bill is passed using the “Slaughter solution.”

Carrie M
Friend told me this afternoon that Kucinich is planning to roll over on it, despite disagreeing with it. Ugh. Apparently they only need 2 more house votes (as 3 have already said they’d switch if they were the only ones holding it back).
That’s what Socialized medicine would have to be. Where is the outrage? If they think squeezing it through the House means people will leap in the air and click their heels together in joy over it, they’re drinking the kool-aid.
Legal challenges.
Mass civil disobedience.
Electoral earthquake.
Political sea-change.
God forbid, but it could get to blood in the streets. And not by the hand of those who oppose Socialized medicine and Socialism, but rather by the hand of those who think America is never good enough.
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