03 Jun 2010

Can Obama Survive in Office to 2012?

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Gallup is reporting Obama’s job approval rating at 44%.

The White House is admitting offering three jobs to Andrew Romanoff to persuade him not to run in Colorado.

Rahm Emanuel and Valerie Jarrett have been subpoenaed to testify in the Blagojevich corruption trial.

Peter Ferrara is now predicting that Barack Hussein Obama will be forced to resign in disgrace.

Oh no! That means that idiot Biden would become president.

Months ago, I predicted in this column that President Obama would so discredit himself in office that he wouldn’t even be on the ballot in 2012, let alone have a prayer of being reelected. Like President Johnson in 1968, who had won a much bigger victory four years previously than Obama did in 2008, President Obama will be so politically defunct by 2012 that he won’t even try to run for reelection.

I am now ready to predict that President Obama will not even make it that far. I predict that he will resign in discredited disgrace before the fall of 2012.

I can’t see it myself. A president would only resign if he were facing certain impeachment. Why would Republicans be willing to impeach Obama? The impeachment of Bill Clinton backfired on Republicans, and they are unlikely to want to repeat that experience. There is no reason for anyone to prefer Biden to Obama. And Obama shows every sign of continuing the same policies and patterns of behavior which have so devastated his party’s and his own political standing. He is a dead albatross hanging from the socialist party’s neck. Let them keep wearing him.

2 Feedbacks on "Can Obama Survive in Office to 2012?"


I told my friend last week that if things continued down for the Dems after mid terms they meaning the dems may try to force Obama out and then have Hillary appointed VP then govern toward the center the rest of the term. Biden then chooses not to run in 2012 leaving Hillary to run as the VP on her resume.


It would seem to me that, given the ego involved, the only way anyone could get Obama to resign would be to have a ‘bigger’ and ‘better’ job waiting. Like Supreme Court Justice or U.N. Secretary General. Supreme Court Justices serve forever but they could always change the U.N. job title to U.N. Supreme General and make it a lifetime position. Hugo, Fidel, Evo et. al. would love having their man in place.


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