17 Jul 2010

Eagle versus Izards

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7:19 video of Golden Eagle(s?), Aquila chrysaetos, preying upon what appear to be Rupicapra pyrenaica, Izards or Pyrenaean chamois. A particularly effective hunting technique consists of snatching the goat-antelope off the cliff and simply dropping it.

2 Feedbacks on "Eagle versus Izards"

Steve Bodio

Staged in the seventies I think by a Spanish naturalist, falconer, and cinematographer who later died in a plane crash. But an utterly realistic depiction of a not- rare event in the wild (there are recent posts on eagle predation on my blog).

I can find his name if you need it.


I’d be interested. I tried to track down as much as I could find. There are several versions of the video. This one seemed to be the oldest and longest.


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