03 Nov 2010

The Hindenburg of 2010

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The Republican capture of 60-70 House seats well exceeds the most optimistic pre-election forecasts.

It was disappointing to our best possible case hopes that we did not also take control of the Senate. Clearly, a number of weak Republican candidacies combined with democrat professional organization in ultra-blue states was too much to overcome… this time.

I really wish that we had knocked off Harry Reid and Barney Frank, and the California results are truly depressing. But, we did beat ultra-leftist Russ Feingold in Wisconsin. I am very happy to see Pat Toomey replacing Arlen Specter, and Marco Rubio’s victory in Florida is extremely significant. Rubio is articulate, charismatic and a hard-core conservative. The son of ultra-libertarian Ron Paul, named after Ayn Rand, is going to the Senate as well. Delightful.



A Genius commenter informed me that Rand Paul was not really named after Ayn Rand.

I looked it up, and found that he says his first name is really Randall, and his wife changed the short version from Randy to Rand.

Here’s Rand Paul explaining.

Quick, somebody name a kid after Ayn Rand, and we’ll elect him!

3 Feedbacks on "The Hindenburg of 2010"


I think you have to now officially write off California as a lost cause. If Californians are still voting for liberals in this environment, nothing is going to change. The productive will continue to migrate out of CA to places where they are appreciated, and there will be fewer and fewer producers left to bleed to support their sanctuary cities.


I don’t think Rand Paul is named after Ayn Rand.


According to Rand Paul, you are correct. I’m surprised and will post a correction. Thanks.


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