Leftism originally created political movements by agitating the masses through a combination of flattering their desires and exaggerating their grievances, but Capitalism baffled the Left by transforming the needy Proletariat into a prosperous Middle Class, while Socialism in the countries where it fully achieved power impoverished everyone outside the Nomenklatura. Socialism consequently collapsed while Capitalism thrived, so the Left went back to the drawing board.
Absent economic grievances, the Left with remarkable ingenuity decided to hitch its wagon to the rising Environmental Movement, and to replace obsolescent economic themes intended to inspire animosity and class division with new, entirely imaginary problems requiring the concentration of power and wealth in the hands of the State.
Van Jones, the Communist run out of his White House advisor position via the exposure of his political background by Glenn Beck, refers indiscreetly to trying “to pretend” that EPA interventions are required by market failure.
1:57 video
Hat tip to the Blaze.

The Left has always pretended that there are real economic arguments that support its political agenda. Franklin Roosevelt and Barrack Obama both tried to pretend that government can make our economy grow by taking money away from the private sector and spending it on the left’s agenda instead of what generates the highest economic return. After repeated failures, they’ll probably have to move on to other arguments. Vice-President Biden the other day argued that Jesus obliged you to send your money to government.
When you have an overriding power objective in sight, there will be an endless series of pretenses to support it.
Maggie's Farm
It’s the politics, stupid…
Stolen in full (because it is so well-said) from Never Yet Melted’s Van Jones Urges Young Supporters “To Pretend†EPA Regulations Are Needed:
Leftism originally created political movements by agitating the masses through a combination of flatterin…
“Van Jones Urges Young Supporters ‘To Pretend’ EPA Regulations Are Needed”
[…] Ends, means — you know the drill. […]
Number 182 | The New Terrapin Gazette
[…] up. Is this bloviation just green baloney in the service of socialism? Well, here’s an explanation of what he’s up to, but it may be wide of the […]
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