CBS local news in New York reports that police and high school authorities in Woodbridge, New Jersey recently lost all sense of proportion.
It was supposed to be a senior prank, but now three students in Woodbridge said they’re facing criminal charges — and may not be able to walk through graduation ceremony and take part in other senior activities.
Does the punishment go too far?
It wasn’t the T-shirts that got two 17-year-olds in trouble, but the actual chickens they said they released into their high school as part of a senior prank back in February.
“So we confessed. We told the truth. Now we’re getting charged with trespassing, disorderly conduct, not allowed to go to prom, not allowed to go to graduation, and all that,†Anthony Cesareo told CBS 2’s Christine Sloan.
Cesareo and Tyler Bruno said they bought live chickens from a store in Newark and pushed the chickens through a window at Woodbridge High School in the middle of the night. A janitor found them in the morning before school started. …
It may have been a joke to them, but police said it wouldn’t have been so funny if a student got hurt.
I think myself that the principal and police chief of Woodbridge, NJ badly need the trees in front of their houses TP’d.
Hat tip to James Coulter Harberson III.
Well I was born down south on a chicken farm near Nashville, Tennessee
T’weren’t nobody there, but a sky full of air, 17 billion chickens, and me
And then one day I said “Hey, hey, hey, think I’ll drop a little LSD.”
Well, it blew my mind,
I got real kind,
And I set my chickens free.
And there was
Chickens in the pasture,
Chickens in the barn,
Chickens in the cauliflower,
Chickens in the corn,
Chickens driving Cadillacs to Washington DC,
When I set my chickens free. –Gilbert Shelton

W. Kimbell
Sometimes I wish there was a “like” button around here.
W. Kimbell
Um, not really (about the “like” bttn). I like to comment once in while: This is a great blog. Thanks for what you do.
On a whim I memorized this poem while in college. It was 1972 (?) and a friend had one of the R. Crumb-type comic books with this wild, illustrated poem. What brought it to mind tonight I do not know. But it made me want to test the internet and there it was. And all these years, I thought the home town was “Mashville”. Thanks for keeping the spirit alive.
Ah, the old “set my chickens free!” song. It was a comic by Gilbert Shelton (he of the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers and Wonder Warthog). I went to a friend’s 75th birthday party a little over a week ago, and a friend and I were singing it. It was Mashville, by the way. Even though we were hippies, our memories were still quite clear on that.
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