12 Aug 2011

Rick Perry’s Already Winning (Which Is Pretty Good, Considering He Has Yet To Announce)

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Stephen F. Hayes says Rick Perry won last night’s Republican presidential debate in Iowa without even showing up.

They’re happy tonight in Austin.

It’s one of the most predictable and tiresome of the many presidential debate clichés: The candidate who didn’t participate won because the others were so weak. And yet that was the case in the Republican presidential debate here Thursday night. A Republican presidential field often described as weak seemed to confirm that conventional wisdom in a debate that featured many tough questions and many more weak answers. Rick Perry, who will announce his bid for the presidency on Saturday.


Meanwhile, over at Twitter, I find that a rickperryfacts Twitter feed, collecting jokes along the lines of the Chuck Norris jokes, has been created.

Latest example: There are signs when you enter Texas warning the bears not to feed Rick Perry.

2 Feedbacks on "Rick Perry’s Already Winning (Which Is Pretty Good, Considering He Has Yet To Announce)"


Ha! I love it! That’s almost enough to make me think about getting a twitter account. Go Governor Perry!

No Man

No man knows Perry is winning.

Obama-worshiping idiots, e.g., Tingles Matthews, are attacking him and the State of Texas.


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