Byron York reports approvingly that Rick Perry (who has suffered in popularity due to his non-stellar debate performances) intends to skip some of the excessively numerous upcoming GOP debates (that not many Americans watch anyway).
Perry opened the subject Tuesday night when he told Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly that it might have been a mistake for him to take part in the debates. “These debates are set up for nothing more than to tear down the candidates,” Perry said. “So, you know, if there was a mistake made, it was probably ever doing one of the [debates] when all they are interested in is stirring it up between the candidates instead of really talking about the issues that are important to the American people. …”
I think myself that this is another case where Rick Perry demonstrates both independence of mind and good judgment. A competition for the smoothest and safest 30 second sound bite in what amounts to a liberal press-arranged melee of mud-slinging by Republican candidates at one another is not really terribly useful or a very meaningful test of qualifications for the presidency.
On the contrary, Perry’s ability to see through the charade and to understand what really matters and what doesn’t is far better evidence that he is likely to make sensible decisions as chief executive and commander in chief. A president’s ability think for himself and possession of sufficient courage to set aside false expectations and pointless conventions matters infinitely more than how glib he is, or how pleasing his voice. Barack Obama speaks beautifully, but he is obviously utterly and completely incapable of thinking or operating outside the Weltanschauung of the left-wing community of fashion. Obama is ineffective as president, and is trapped in a pattern of self-destructive political behavior, precisely because he lacks that kind of independence of mind and is simply a captive of his ideology.

I am vexed over the GOP management that even allows these debates in the enemy’s house, with enemy moderators.
Didn’t Democrats prove rather convincingly in 2008 that the path to election is to hide real substance behind a veil of charm and platitudes?
Pundits disagree on point, so my guess you’ve got something here. Perry’s getting hammered on this — so he should use it to his advantage and showcase Texas. Start some ads that say: While the President and his challengers blather on with cheap talk, under Perry’s leadership, Texas leads the nation in employment and opportunity.
I agree with Hillclimber, but I think Perry’s decision goes beyond the issue of debates; it provides for a separation from the RHINOs who have continually tried to lead us over the cliff.
The very idea of certifiable Marxists like Brian Williams, Matt Lauer, and their editors having the opportunity to structure debates for Republican candidates is ludicrous. Agreeing to such nonsense confirms just how truly lost establishment Republicans are.
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