27 Nov 2011

Gentleman With First Half 18th Century Fowler


I tend to try to avoid posting unsourced, unidentified photos, but consistency is the hobgoblin and all that. Click on the image for a larger version.

I once learned that rather more of these ancient colonial era fowling pieces survived in New England farmhouses than I ever would have suspected. It was probably the combination of unwieldiness and striking decorative value (once they became obsolete, they were the ideal object to hang over the mantelpiece) that caused them to be preserved.

From Nothing Via by way of Vanderleun.


Gerard Van der Leun identifies the original source as the Jooney Woodward site, from Britain (!).

One Feedback on "Gentleman With First Half 18th Century Fowler"


Thanks for picking up on that. The source is a UK photographer:



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