12 Mar 2012

Obama Documentary Filmmaker: “Only Negative: Too Many Accomplishments [To Fit in Film]”

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Even leftist Glenn Greenwald, in Salon, was appalled at documentary filmmaker Davis Guggenheim‘s canine adoration of Barack Obama.

4 Feedbacks on "Obama Documentary Filmmaker: “Only Negative: Too Many Accomplishments [To Fit in Film]”"


Short form: Nothing of Obama’s so diseased that this choad won’t suck it.


If someone paid me to make a fawning film about him, I would at least think to include a couple of balancing moments for credibility. The term “bought and paid for” seems utterly appropriate here.


Let’s see now. He rammed through a health care bill opposed by a majority of the voters, and the only reason the nation hasn’t “come together” is the GOP? How much more of a sycophant can you be?


Davis provides a remarkable example of the lovesick delusional among us. Scary.


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