26 Apr 2012

Crucifying Energy Producers

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Obama’s EPA riding over the bodies of energy producing companies

Why is the US economy a wreck? Why are we paying sky-high prices at the gasoline pump? We have an administration in Washington that is philosophically bent on treating the productive free market economy the same way a conquering Roman general or invading barbarian horde would treat a foreign territory. The democrat party left views the private sector economy as a victim it is entitled to conquer, rule over, and loot at will.

You couldn’t have a clearer demonstration of the total incomprehension on the part of the left of the role of freedom and the rule of law in making possible economic growth, innovation, and prosperity. When this country elected Barack Obama, it really in essence turned over control of the government to someone with the same economic perspective as Attila the Hun.

From Heritage Blog.

One Feedback on "Crucifying Energy Producers"


The tragic thing about the left is that they see economic outcomes as a matter of preference rather than a consequence of interrelated individual actions. And when you attempt to interfere with the actions or impose the outcome you like, bad things (largely unanticipated) happen. We’ve seen this occur so many times that rational people should recognize it, but liberals just redouble their efforts. Of course once you believe you can alter world climate, you must believe everything else is within your grasp.


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