22 Jul 2012

The Worst System Except For All the Others


Hat tip to Jose Guardia.

3 Feedbacks on "The Worst System Except For All the Others"


Capitalism is what results from affording individual liberty. Socialism, communism and feudalism require coercion to maintain.


In the 30’s the U.S. was ripe for Communism/Socialism. Perhaps the struggle of the great depression made “the greatest generation” or more likely it was WW II and everything that went with that experience. Communists were here, they were in the government and in control and they spied and committed treason. But post war we pulled out of it. Once again we are plunged into a “great depression” and the left (or the socialist, the collectivists or Marxists or whatever we are calling them now) is once again pressing hard to create/convert the U.S. into a Socialist country. I great depression was needed to move the masses to the left. Was it a conspiracy or chance or simply the Marxist/socialist/left taking advantage of events no one intended? Did Obama just luck out and win the election or was there some greater hand on the scale? Will Obama lose in November and the left just give up again and wait another 70 years?? I’m guessing that right now while we are focused on shootings and Romney’s taxes ACORN and the unions are setting the stage to steal the election in critical counties around the country. What are the odds that on election night when you go to bed with the elction narrowly going to Romney that the day after when you wake up tens of thousands of uncounted absentee ballots put Obama over the top in four counties in Florida, 3 counties in Pennsylvania and Ohio and a handful of other critical states as well? What are the odds???


The odds are too damn good.. And I want us back on an all paper ballot.. Computers are too easy to “fix”.


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