08 Nov 2012


3 Feedbacks on "RIP"

Lucius Quinctius

The truth is that it has been a long, slow and frequently painful process that stated with the War Between the States.

Mark Zanger

This too shall pass. People who say they are moving to Canada or Mexico if this or that party gets elected seldom do so. Everyone gets their 15 minutes or 8 years, and then the fundamentals assert themselves.

Nothing lasts forever, and all empires fall, but our system remains lousy in every way except by comparison to everything else that has been tried so far. This doesn’t mean (to me anyway) that it can’t be improved, and somebody’s improvement may kill it, but not on the dates engraved virtually above.

Steve Bodio

Hey Mark– as a partisan of the losing side who lives in a (the same old) small town, where we must all get along by virtue of isolation and poverty, I am grumpily inclined to, well, agree. Hard to see your neighbors as the antichrist even when you are sure they are wrong.

Get my email from David or google my blog, Stephen Bodio’s Querencia, to catch up.


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