My one-time boss at the Yale Daily News, Lanny Davis, responds to the Threats-to-Woodward story by acknowledging that he has been threatened by this same White House, too.
28 Feb 2013
28 Feb 2013
White House Threatened Lanny Davis, TooLanny Davis, Obama's ThuggeryMy one-time boss at the Yale Daily News, Lanny Davis, responds to the Threats-to-Woodward story by acknowledging that he has been threatened by this same White House, too. Feeds
The Democrat party requires all their people to goose step in unison you step out of line at your own risk. But I have long wondered how long all Democrats would continue to go along with the radical left wing politics of Obama and his socialist/communist Czars. It only seems reasonable that some Democrats put our great Republic ahead of just winning the next election. I hope more Democrats wake up and stand with the constitution and oppose Obama’s radical neo-fascism.
This is the way it’s done in Chicago.
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