11 Apr 2013

10 Things To Hate About LA

There are lovable parts of America, Montana, Vermont, the Virginia Horse Country, and there are the other kind of places where we wind up if we’ve been bad.

Gavin McInnes explains in a detailed rant exactly why he hates LA.

If my kids turned out to be gay, I’d say, “Oh great, there go my grandchildren” and move on. But if my son turned out to be the guy at The New York Times who covered modern dance, I would lie in the bath and dig a razor blade into my wrists so deep, you’d think there were vaginas living there. And if my daughter ever moved to LA, I’d send her my head in a box. Los Angeles is to life what New York City is to a woman’s ovaries. It’s an elephant’s graveyard where stupid losers go to die. Here are 10 reasons why.

Read the whole thing.

Personally, I found the undeserved complacent affluence, the outrageous self-entitlement, and the effeminate left-wing politics characteristic of the Northern California Bay area even more annoying.


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