16 Jul 2013

The System Failed Poor Trayvon

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Robert Stacy McCain
explains that if Miami-Dade law enforcement had thrown his punk ass into juvie (as he richly deserved), then he would never have been suspiciously casing residences in the gated community of Sanford, or had occasion to try beating in the head of the Neighborhood Watch volunteer who annoyed him by subjecting poor Trayvon to undesired surveillance, and young Trayvon would still be alive today.

Trayvon Martin was not from Sanford, the town north of Orlando where he was shot in 2012 and where a jury acquitted Zimmerman of murder charges Saturday. Martin was from Miami Gardens, more than 200 miles away, and had come to Sanford to stay with his father’s girlfriend Brandy Green at her home in the townhouse community where Zimmerman was in charge of the neighborhood watch. Trayvon was staying with Green after he had been suspended for the second time in six months from Krop High School in Miami-Dade County, where both his father, Tracy Martin, and mother, Sybrina Fulton, lived.

Both of Trayvon’s suspensions during his junior year at Krop High involved crimes that could have led to his prosecution as a juvenile offender. However, Chief Charles Hurley of the Miami-Dade School Police Department (MDSPD) in 2010 had implemented a policy that reduced the number of criiminal reports, manipulating statistics to create the appearance of a reduction in crime within the school system. Less than two weeks before Martin’s death, the school system commended Chief Hurley for “decreasing school-related juvenile delinquency by an impressive 60 percent for the last six months of 2011.” What was actually happening was that crimes were not being reported as crimes, but instead treated as disciplinary infractions.

In October 2011, after a video surveillance camera caught Martin writing graffiti on a door, MDSPD Office Darryl Dunn searched Martin’s backpack, looking for the marker he had used. Officer Dunn found 12 pieces of women’s jewelry and a man’s watch, along with a flathead screwdriver the officer described as a “burglary tool.” The jewelry and watch, which Martin claimed he had gotten from a friend he refused to name, matched a description of items stolen during the October 2011 burglary of a house on 204th Terrace, about a half-mile from the school. However, because of Chief Hurley’s policy “to lower the arrest rates,” as one MDSPD sergeant said in an internal investigation, the stolen jewerly was instead listed as “found property” and was never reported to Miami-Dade Police who were investigating the burglary. Similarly, in February 2012 when an MDSPD officer caught Martin with a small plastic bag containing marijuana residue, as well as a marijuana pipe, this was not treated as a crime, and instead Martin was suspended from school.

Either of those incidents could have put Trayvon Martin into the custody of the juvenile justice system. However, because of Chief Hurley’s attempt to reduce the school crime statistics — according to sworn testimony, officers were “basically told to lie and falsify” reports — Martin was never arrested. And if he had been arrested, he might never have been in Sanford the night of his fatal encounter with Zimmerman.

6 Feedbacks on "The System Failed Poor Trayvon"

Scary Yankee Chick | So how come no-one’s sueing the MDSPD?

[…] to Never Yet Melted This entry was posted in Politics « I did not know […]


That still makes a white man responsible for Martin’s death, so everything’s still okay.

BTW, Chief Hurley had other problems, it appears. http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/01/31/3210138/embattled-miami-dade-schools-police.html


For heaven’s sake stop trying to confuse people with the truth. You are not adding anything to the “real conversation about race” that AG Holder wants to have. There will be no justice until a black thug can beat a Hispanic man to death in this country without the Hispanic man having a legal right to self defense. There will be no justice in this country until black thugs can commit any violent crime with no legal consequences.

T. Shaw

You are a RACIST!

Suck it up, racist. What you’re saying is merely the truth, filled with unofficial facts. The Obama regime’s” truth” is any distortion, fiction or omission that advances the polarizing agenda.

Look up at the drone, and smile.

Edification | Foseti

[…] from being an innocent young honor student, Martin was a criminal, probably the aggressor, and perhaps committing a hate crime […]


The truth is if Georeg Zimmerman had been prosecuted in 2005 for assaulting that cop, instead of his father getting him off the hook, if he had been locked up for assaulting his now ex-fiance the same year then he would have been a felon and (most likely) wouldn’t have had a gun, and Trayvon would still be alive.
But don’t let facts get in the way of your crackpot racialist delusions.
Another dumb-ass blog of white guys imagining what they wish was true.


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