Vietnam Veterans arrested at NYC Memorial.
Breitbart is keeping a list.
1. Treatments for Children Suffering From Cancer
3. Furloughed Military Chaplains Not Allowed to Work for Free
4. Business Stops In Florida Keys
5. Obama Blacks Out Sports, Entertainment Programming to Overseas Troops
6. Obama Closes D-Day Memorial
7. Obama Tries to Close Privately-Funded Mt. Vernon
8. Obama Closes Over 100 Privately-Managed Parks That Cost No Money to Run
9. Obama Closes Self-Sustaining Colonial Farm It Hasn’t Supported Since 1980
10. Obama Tries to Close State-Run Parks in Wisconsin
11. Obama Closes Vietnam Memorial
12. Obama Closes Privately-Owned Hotel, Police Block Parking Lot
13. Park Service Ranger: ‘We’ve Been Told to Make Life As Difficult For People As We Can’
14. Obama Forces Residents Out of Private Homes
15. Acadia Park In Maine Shut Down
16. Historic Restaurant Open During Last Shutdown Forced to Close
17. Obama Shuts Down a Road That Goes Through Colorado Park
18. Residents Plan Protest of Cape Hatteras Closing
19. Obama Blocks People From LOOKING at Mt. Rushmore
20. Crucial USDA Websites Taken Down – “The U.S. Department of Agriculture has turned off its entire website in response to the government shutdown, leaving farmers, reporters and others with no way to access any of the agency’s information online. …
21. St. Louis Gateway Arch Closed
22. Park Shutdown Bounces Rowers from Potomac
23. Thompson Boat Center Closed In DC
24. Obama Closes Military Commissary
25. Arizona Offers to Fund Grand Canyon, Obama Says ‘Drop Dead’
This Administration is setting an all-time record for pettiness.
We need a companion list: 25 things Obama could have shut down instead but didn’t.
25 things…, let’s see
Homeland (In)Security
Dept. of Energy
Dept. of Education
Any non-DOD/DOJ/Treasury group that has it’s own weapons stash.
Post Office
Dept of Agriculture
Dept of Labor
Dept of Commerce
Reduce Social Security back to a simple retirement program
The “Secret” Courts” approving NSA activities
All positions of “Czar”
Presidential and Congressional staffs
*Consolidate under the FBI, well-scaled down!
Pettiness? This is truly reprehensible. Try to imagine a doctor who, because you didn’t pay him for your last visit, sought to maximize the amount of pain he inflicted in your treatment.
The reason they can get away with it is because most of us do nothing. The best effort we make to register our anger is to comment on a blog. We need to light up the white house and congressional swithcboards. We need to demand change and we need to use the “I” word (Impeach). Demand your nogood congressperson resign if they are not dong their job. No budget then resign. No control of the deficit then resign. No effort to repeal Obamacar, then resign. They are afraid of us if we stand up and speak up. That’s why the Dems call the tea party such disgusting names. You have a choice; sit down and shut up or stand up and let your voice be heard. Nothing less then the future of this country depends on what we all do.
I wish Breitbart would put some thought into the list.
Closing the commisaries…that is due to the lack of appropriations, not discretionary unless Congress passes an exception
Not letting civilian and contract chaplains hold mass…Appropriations and labor law. You work, you get paid, it isn’t discretionary for a reason. Question, should they get paid to do Mass? Perhaps the pay should be for pastoral services with Mass left to the Church?
I’m all for pointing out the stupid stuff but those two things along with the death payouts are consequences of the failure to pass appropriations, not over-reacting Obama (assuming the death payout wasn’t authorized by the recent bill passed)
Rule of law: no appropriations no activities that draw from the Treasury that’s the anti-deficiency act. No wages, no work that’s labor law.
Shutting down roads and open air monuments that don’t require the expenditure of appropriations, that is petulance.
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