01 Jan 2014

NYT Had Reporter Embedded With Benghazi Embassy Attackers?

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Times Cairo Bureau Chief and Mideast Correspondent David D. Kirkpatrick said so on Twitter on December 30th:


Doug Ross graphically speculates on just what that New York Times embedded reporter would have been doing on that fatal evening.

2 Feedbacks on "NYT Had Reporter Embedded With Benghazi Embassy Attackers?"


This is what our media has become. Obama’s administration has committed numerous high cries and misdemeanors, so many they take two pages to list and what is our media reporting? The country is in a depression and the media puts it’s effort into cooking the books to make things look good. The administration decided in 2010 to destroy the single working excellent health care system in the world and the media talks up Obamacare and virtually ignores the fact it is a failure. We are so screwed…

T. Shaw

They (the so-called media) continue to lavish tongue baths upon the third-rate, racial hustler slumming in the WH.


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