13 Mar 2014

Extinct Breeds of Dogs


The Talbot

This all-white tracking dog was so well-regarded in the Middle Ages that many family crests feature its image. Some historians believe William the Conquerer brought the breed to England in 1066. The loyal hound was slow but had a great sense of smell and was often used in battle and for law enforcement. The Talbot went extinct around the 16th century.

11 Extinct Breeds of Dogs

One Feedback on "Extinct Breeds of Dogs"


As someone who grew up in Newfoundland, I can only assume that the sentence “the St. John’s Water Dog has gone extinct” directly translates to “We no longer see them in fruity dog shows in Connecticut, therefore they must not exist.”

Every small town I’ve been in has a handful of dogs that fit the SJWD description exactly. These dogs aren’t extinct, they’re just local.


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