28 May 2014

CNN Anchor Thinks Michelle Obama Signs Bills Into Law

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Carol Costello has a B.A. in Journalism from Kent State.

2 Feedbacks on "CNN Anchor Thinks Michelle Obama Signs Bills Into Law"


Is it in fact healthy to simply require more vegetables and fruits in school lunches? There should be balance in any diet but to cut some things out and double down on other things doesn’t automatically make it more healthy. The school lunch menu should be decided locally by the parents and the schools. And of course it should also be paid for locally not by the federal tax payers. We should not be at the mercy of whatever whims the current president’s spouse believes is healthy. the federal government is the worst possible entity to be making these decisions. I might also point out that there is simply no agreement amongst the “experts” on what is or is not good for you and the scientific evidence doesn’t support any of the biases that are in favor today. With so little proof of what constitutes a “healthy” diet it is foolish to mandate one.

Milo Galt

Wait until we find out what else Mrs. Obama has signed into law…


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