One Feedback on "“Is the US or ISIS a Bigger Threat to Peace?” Harvard Students Reply"
I put the start of all this as late 67 and early 68. The press as they tend to do were in full support the Democrat mode and Richard Nixon had to be vilified. They lied about everything happening in Vietnam and worked overtime to make America hate the military. The young and impressionable youth grew up believing this seemingly unaware it was only intended to elect a Democrat and once Nixon was in office to assure he would be thrown out, became dedicated far left liberals who went on to infect our schools and public offices. This was never really about what the U.S. did in war or in it’s efforts to help other countries it was always about getting Democrats elected. It was about using Alinsky’s rules for radicals for political gain. Divide and conquer worked but left us divided and our children confused and ignorant.
I put the start of all this as late 67 and early 68. The press as they tend to do were in full support the Democrat mode and Richard Nixon had to be vilified. They lied about everything happening in Vietnam and worked overtime to make America hate the military. The young and impressionable youth grew up believing this seemingly unaware it was only intended to elect a Democrat and once Nixon was in office to assure he would be thrown out, became dedicated far left liberals who went on to infect our schools and public offices. This was never really about what the U.S. did in war or in it’s efforts to help other countries it was always about getting Democrats elected. It was about using Alinsky’s rules for radicals for political gain. Divide and conquer worked but left us divided and our children confused and ignorant.
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