29 Nov 2014

“I Hate Criminals, But I Hate Liberals More.”

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Ann Coulter:

The riot in Ferguson reminds me, I hate criminals, but I hate liberals more. They planned this riot. They stoked the fire, lied about the evidence and produced a made-to-order riot.Every other riot I’ve ever heard of was touched off by some spontaneous event that exploded into mob violence long before any media trucks arrived. This time, the networks gave us a countdown to the riot, as if it were a Super Bowl kickoff.

From the beginning, Officer Darren Wilson’s shooting of Michael Brown wasn’t reported like news. It was reported like a cause.

One Feedback on "“I Hate Criminals, But I Hate Liberals More.”"


There is no question that the media wanted riots. To them this is all just a plot to a typical TV show. Good guys. Bad guys. Innocent victims. Corrupt officials. Things blowing up and burning down. The People raging against the Oppressors. The sort of stuff writers crank out every week on a dozen shows. Except that in the TV show, some heroic lawyer or reporter steps in to expose that the police and prosecutors and witnesses have all conspired to suppress the Truth. They’re still working on that angle. I guarantee you that the first conspiracy book will be out first quarter next year, and the author will be hailed as brilliant and courageous. More interviews. More drama.


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