15 Dec 2014

Don’t Let’s Be Beastly to al Qaeda

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Laura Ingraham: The popular approval of what Jack Bauer does on television is “as close to a national referendum that it’s O.K. to use tough tactics against high-level Al Qaeda operatives as we’re going to get.”

Meanwhile, the Brits have been forbidden by the politicians in Whitehall from so much as yelling or calling terrorists hard names, reports the Telegraph.

British soldiers have “lost their capability” to interrogate terrorist insurgents because of strict new rules on questioning that even ban shouting in captives’ ears, military chiefs have warned.

The rules — detailed in court papers obtained by The Telegraph — also prevent military intelligence officers from banging their fists on tables or walls, or using “insulting words” when interrogating a suspect.

The regulations replaced a previous policy that had to be withdrawn after a series of legal challenges and the death in custody of Baha Mousa, an Iraqi detainee in Basra.

But there is growing disquiet within the ranks that the latest guidelines, officially called Challenge Direct, are so stringent that it makes interrogation pointless.

There is also concern that the rules can be so easily breached — especially given the pressure under which soldiers are operating — that military personnel will be left exposed to legal claims and possible disciplinary action.


Of course, nothing is new under the sun. Remember Noel Coward mocking similar attitudes on the part of the holier-than-thous back in the 1940s?

One Feedback on "Don’t Let’s Be Beastly to al Qaeda"


I think most people don’t get it yet. I thought back on 9/12 after 3000 deaths that we finally got it but I was wrong. Most people don’t think the terrorists or radical muslims want to kill us all and they think it’s all our fault because we meddle in their business. It’s gonna take a lot more deaths. The terrorists will get a bomb/nuke. Sooner or later they will get one and when they do they will use it. It could be Tel Aviv, Paris, London or NY City. When that happens perhaps then we will understand what keeps the head of the CIA and high level people in our government awake at night. I personally believe right now while the biggest concern in this country seems to be “hands up don’t shoot” that there are people in the intelligence business that are terrified of a nuke being smuggled into a large American city. It’s gonna happen; it’s inevitable. When it does I have no doubt that there will have been some clue, some hint that was missed that if it had been caught would have helped prevent or mitigate the attack. Then the position of the very same people who think the CIA agents should go to jail for waterboarding will criticize the CIA for not preventing it.


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