04 Jan 2015

Plenty of Rage But Problems in the Narratives



Gavin McInnes counts the narratives of oppression that exploded in 2014, not that their debunking changed anybody’s mind.

The only thing worse than a man is a white man, am I right? They start off as violent little bastards, biting Pop-Tarts into guns, and before you know it, they’re raping their way through college. The very privileged end up running corporations that pay women 77 cents for every dollar a man makes, and the less fortunate end up as cops who shoot black men in the head just because.

As our white male college professors told us, “The white man” is the “greatest trouble-maker on earth.” White male culture is Western culture and both are drenched in racism and sexism. The only hope for redemption is annihilation. Anything would be better. As social media nutbar Suey Park put it, “Whiteness will always be the enemy.”

2 Feedbacks on "Plenty of Rage But Problems in the Narratives"


Yes, we should do away with all of the amenities the white man has produced.


The irony is thick. They have become the KKK in a black hoody and their rightousness knows no bounds. If our/their/all leaders don’t wake up to this it will get worse. As long as Al Sharpton can get on the networks to race bait for fun and profit we are clearly headed the wrong way.


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