06 Feb 2015

Grand Central’s Secrets



Did you know that Grand Central Terminal’s spectacular ceiling is backwards? Or That there is a secret bar, a secret tennis court, and a secret platform? Untapped Cities:

Track 61 still serves as a means of clandestine transportation. There is one track at Grand Central that sits abandoned in the midst of the busiest train terminal in the world. That is Track 61, or the Waldorf Astoria track, originally built for freight and as a loading platform for a powerhouse that sat above it. After being decommissioned, it served as a private railroad station, a clandestine way for distinguished guests of the Waldorf Astoria to enter and exit the city. This track is famously thought to have transported Franklin Delano Roosevelt, to hide the fact that he was wheelchair-bound due to polio. Today, the track continues to provide a clandestine means of transportation; it is kept up and running when the President visits town, in case he needs a means of emergency egress from the hotel. Read even more about this abandoned platform here.


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