13 Feb 2015

University of Valencia Research Survey


University of Valencia

I was recently contacted by a graduate student at the University of Valencia who is writing a dissertation which explores the question of whether reading blogs makes you more active politically.

He would like NYM’s readers to take a survey (linked here and in the right-hand column).

Dear friends,

My name is Juan Sánchez and I am a PhD Marketing student at the University of Valencia (Spain). I am currently developing my doctoral thesis, which focuses on the existing relationship between Internet interactivity and the adoption of a more participative political position.

I would like to ask your collaboration to complete the empirical part of my thesis. In this respect, I need you to click on the link below in order to complete a brief and simple online survey.

As you will see, the questionnaire is easy to answer and can be completed in no more than 8-12 (real-time) minutes. The survey displays several statements on different elements related to blog reading and political participation.

My research has no commercial purpose whatsoever and all the collated information will remain totally anonymous. No previous relevant academic background is required and there are no right and wrong answers. What are truly important and relevant are the freely-expressed opinions on the matters raised.

Please click on the following link to participate:


Thank you very much for your kind collaboration.

Juan Sánchez-Villar
University of Valencia (Spain)

2 Feedbacks on "University of Valencia Research Survey"


Just finished the survey and it came back w/an error msg so I am not sure if my results were included.


I just checked it and your results were correctly included, JB :)

Thank you for your participation!

I encourage all readers to participate. Your answers will be very much appreciated.

Kind regards from Spain,


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